SMORES Robot Platform Simulation
Modlab at Penn, ASL at Cornell
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CAssociateJoint.AssociateJointThe class that has all the information about associations
 Cgazebo::CollisionInformationA class used to store collision information for two models
 Cgazebo::CommandProA data structure that stores normal command message
 Cgazebo::ConditionA class used to store the condition information and mangement the work flow
 CConnection.ConnectionThe class that has all the information about a connection between two modules
 Crapidxml::file< Ch >Represents data loaded from a file
 CConfigurationGeneration.ConfigEditorConfiguration editor python gui
 CGaitRecorder.GaitRecorderThis is the class of gait recorder python gui application
 Cgazebo::FrameThis clase used to store the initial position information of a section
 CGaitEntry.GaitEntryThe class that stores a gait command
 Cgztopic_multithreading.GzPublisherGztopic pulisher object
 Cgztopic_multithreading.GzSubscriberGztopic subscriber object
 Cgazebo::JointUpdateThis class is used to store joint angle updating information
 Crapidxml::memory_pool< Ch >
 Crapidxml::xml_document< Ch >
 Cgazebo::ModuleControllerThe modelplugin that actually controls the model and provide low level apis
 Cgazebo::ModelPositionSetupThis class is used for set the visual of model to the right position
 CColor::ModifierCan be used to generate a specific type of color logs
 CModule.ModuleThis is the class that stores all the information about a module
 Cgztopic.GzCommunicatorGztopic pulisher object
 Cgazebo::PoseRecordThe class that will be used to record the position information of a module
 CSection.SectionA class that stores a group of gaits which can finish a small task
 Cgazebo::ContactSensorThis class will be used in automatically connection under magnetic force
 Cgazebo::SmoresEdgeA class used to represent connectivities in simulation
 Cgazebo::SmoresJointA struct that has richer features than gazebo joint object
 Cgazebo::SmoresModuleA class used to store a cluster of nodes which has rigid connectivity
 Cgazebo::SmoresNodeA class used to manage each node, in this case is the part has connectable face
 Cgazebo::SystemGUIThis is the system plugin that will start with gzclient
 Cgztopic_multithreading.GzCommunicatorBuilds a TCP socket in a spearate thread
 CGaitRecorder.AddAssociateA class for adding associates dialog
 Cgazebo::ConfigEditorConfiguration Editor customized worldplugin
 Cgazebo::GaitRecorderGait recorder customized worldplugin
 Crapidxml::xml_base< Ch >
 Crapidxml::xml_attribute< Ch >
 Crapidxml::xml_node< Ch >
 Crapidxml::xml_document< Ch >